Balanced nutrition is nutrition that is in accordance with the body's needs through daily food so that the body can be active, optimally healthy, not disturbed by disease, and the body remains healthy. Balanced nutrition can be met by feeding
The concept of balanced nutrition is an attempt to achieve:
- The balance between the body's (dynamic) needs for nutrients with the intake obtained through food
- The balance between the various nutrients in the food consumed
Goal of Balanced Nutrition:
- Instilling good and right eating habits in children.
- Providing balanced nutrition according to needs for optimal child development
- Maintain and increase the child's body resistance to disease.
Schedule for giving breast milk and complementary foods for breast milk
According to baby's age
Infant age 0 - 6 months: Compulsory breast milk (ASI)
Breastfeeding should be done immediately after the baby is born until the first hour. The first breast milk given to a baby is called colostrum. Colostrum is a little thicker and yellowish in color which contains a lot of fat and protein as well as the immune system. Until the age of 6 months, it is enough for babies to get food intake from Mother's Milk (ASI) without adding other food or drinks, because breast milk contains all the nutrients and fluids needed to meet all nutritional needs in the first 6 months of life.Age 6 – 9 monthsAfter the age of 6 months, breast milk (ASI) is still given but not as the main food anymore, so the baby must have been introduced to foods known as Complementary Foods for Breastfeeding or MP-ASI for short. Complementary food for babies aged 6-9 months is in the form of milk porridge until the team's rice is crushedAge 10 – 12 monthsMother's milk (ASI) is still given with added solid food in the form of rice porridge to team rice. The frequency of giving complementary foods 3 times a day or more depends on the baby's ability to receive food in an amount that is adjusted for age.THINGS TO BE AWARE OF IN PROVIDING SUPPLEMENTARY FOODS OF BREAST MILK (MP-ASI)
- Complementary foods are only started after the baby is 6 months old
- Mother's Milk (ASI) is still given by giving breast milk first and then giving Complementary Foods for Mother's Milk (MP-ASI)
- The first solid food or complementary food for breast milk (MP-ASI) must have a very smooth and slippery texture.
- Rice porridge is given 3 times a day with a portion for each meal according to age.
- Give snacks 2 times a day between meals, in the form of biscuits, bananas, green bean porridge and others
- may be given after the baby is teething, while chopped food is given after the baby is good at chewing. Add chicken egg/fish/tofu/tempe/beef/carrot/spinach/oil to side dish Introducing vegetables and fruits can be started by giving vegetables and fruits that are low in fiber, such as: carrots, tomatoes, spinach, oranges, bananas, papayas, avocados and pears.
- As a distraction can be given one sweet fruit and filtered
- Babies can be taught to eat and drink using a spoon and a glass
- Continue to give breast milk (ASI) for up to 2 years.
INFLUENCE OF NUTRITION STATUS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENTThe increase in the size and number of cells and intercellular tissue, means an increase in the physical size and structure of the body partially or completely, so that it can be measured in units of length and weight.For growth
For Development
Increased body structure and function that is more complex in the ability of gross motion, fine motion, speech and language as well as socialization and independence.
1. Malnutrition
growth, weight, and height deviating from normal growth.
- Nutritional deficiencies such as (energy, protein, iron) cause various limitations, including flat
- Malnutrition is also associated with delayed motor development.
2. Nutritional Advantage
- The occurrence of obesity is due to an imbalance between energy intake and energy expended or used for activities.
- Provision of nutrition that is not in accordance with the growth and development of children can cause the child's growth to experience disturbances.
- This disorder can be caused by lack of nutrition or excess.
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